the Pretty Blue Brothers…

the Pretty Blue Brothers…

3 men and 30 strings: “Back in the ol’ days” you had guitar and steelguitar duos such as Speedy West & Jimmy Bryant, Santo & Johnny, Jimmie Rivers & Vance Terry, Danny Gatton and Buddy Emmons, Buddy Emmons & Lenny Breau, who are...
Marathon session…

Marathon session…

It all happend in the Box. And so it was that I was asked again to help mr. Boogie Woogie on his newest album “the Big Easy”. And that is always an honor! Marcel Schuurman already did a nice job on the “live” recordings in the studio. They...


And so is it also! Once a year Cultureel Cafe Bacchus organizes a weekend with acoustic music. Everybody can join and gets the opportunitiy to play 25 minute acoustic set. And because that is a challange, it;s around the corner, all our friends ar their (to either...
Not for one hole to catch…

Not for one hole to catch…

I know that sounds weird, but I love to literal translate Dutch sayings… and this is one of them! Ok, this is what happend. And so we arived at a cool looking bar, and the place was getting crowdy, nice! Blood, Sweat & Kiers worthy we build up within 15...
Where am I?

Where am I?

Allright! A lot of times people ask me to keep them informed whenever I play in their neighbourhood… And I must say, it is hard for me to keep that in mind, so I can give you guys a message if venues appear. But, as time goes by sollutions come along! If you...
‘ol days (part 2.)

‘ol days (part 2.)

Surfing on the web, I spotted this picture… Me with my beloved Fender classic 50’s Stratocaster, (and probably a MesaBoogie caliber 50… ssssst, don’t tell anyone), the “infamous” band jackets touring with the BluesMasters. I think...